It's been 2 years now since there hasn't been any news on this "blog", which actually isn't any blog, because we don't update this page regularly anymore.
But hey... what happened to us?
Well... how and where to begin to keep it simple?
In 2020 and shortly before Covid turned the world upside down, we decided to quit our flat, sell our belongings and to go on a big two year travel. We bought a rugged and well equipped overlander - a Toyota Hilux Canopy Camper - in Johannesburg, as we wanted to travel around Africa for the next 2 years.
Covid freaked out and world wide every land border has been closed, so we hadn't any chance to get to our car.
We returned the Hilux, lost a bit of money, but didn't want to give up.

We bought our Mercedes Sprinter 4x4 and decided to travel to Mongolia, without knowing, that it wouldn't be possible in these times.
At the 12th of July 2020 we finally started our big journey. "Go with the flow", was our motto and we made it to Turkey until we realized, that at a certain point we have to decide where to go next.
After we traveled to Georgia and Armenia, we couldn't go any further, returned back to Turkey and tried it with Kurdistan. Kurdistan has been a dead end as well, as we couldn't go to the arabic part of Irak.

We took the detour through Iran and made the impossible possible, because we entered the Iran without a carnet de passage and quite a few wrong documents. That was a bit of a pain in the ass, but worked out at the end and gave us the possibility, to finally enter Iraq, from where we wanted to visit all the countries on the arabic peninsula.
While traveling we already realized half a year later , that we didn't want to go back to germany, rather than we wanted to travel as long as any possible. We double checked our finances and calculated forth and back. It should work out ... somehow. We were willing to try.

Now, after more than two years, we've been visiting all those arabic countries, except Qatar and are in Jordan right now, from where we initially wanted to go further to Africa.
As I'm not really feeling ready for that continent and as for the fact, that the summer has been way too hot, for seeing all those wonderfull attractions on the peninsula, we decided to travel around the arabic countries again, until we eventually will leave Saudi Arabia for either going to Sudan or back to Iran, from where we could make it to Pakistan, India etc.
That was it... easy as that.
We cannot describe in just a few words, what happened with us in this time of traveling. We met hundreds of hospitable people in every single country. Even after traveling since such a long time, we never expected people to be so warmhearted and welcoming. We're well, feeling fine, we're not suffering from homesickness, business is still working well and we just cannot get enough of all these adventures. That's our life, our way to spend our precious time.
As for this blog, we're not updating it anymore with articles regulary, as everything works in Facebook these days. So if you wanna follow our adventures, come over to Facebook or Polarsteps, we'll be happy to see you there.
Kind regards,
Totti & Fenny