Grange Pieccia, Sambuco - Western Alps
Shame on us, but honor to whom honor is due. We never have been in the Western Alps. We totally underestimated the mountain belt, which divides Italy from the upper part of Europe and that's a real pity.
Dozens of times we drove through it, but never spent a closer look on it.
Therefore we're thankful, that we booked a so called "Western Alps Tour" for 4x4's.
It's hard to find enough adjectives for describing this part of the Alps... It's just WOW.
The best thing is, that it isn't hard to get to such places. Even in a standard car, a lot of places can be reached, what makes these Alps really special.
We always thought, that the Alps would have been overflooded with tourists, but they weren't. In my stupidity I planned a route with so many points of interest, that I would have needed a few years to visit all of them. Just because I thought, they would be tiny. Without problems one can visit them again and again and won't get bored as they have so much more to offer than some serpentines.
Sonja and me spent 3 weeks in the Western Alps and visited some really very nice locations. True masterpieces for every photographer and "off the beaten track" lovers... true TRAVELcandies 🙂