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We all have those big dreams. Dreams about having lots of money, big cars or nice homes and some of us are dreaming all the time about traveling the world.

But traveling the world means investing lots of time and money. Our time is precious and we never have enough of it. Money needs to be earned, but it takes time... a lot of.

So does it mean, that these dreams never will become true?

Some say:"..isn't possible"... ", others may say:"'s ridiculous, how shall that work?"

What we do not know is, that we actually pay for going to work every day.
Sounds strange, doesn't it? It doesn't actually, if you think twice about it.

"Every day work towards your dream and you can make it come true! Don't ever let anyone tell you it's not possible, because it is!"

Said by Dan Grec, an open minded, adventurous guy who lives his dreams... no matter what.

And because I've been so curious about his life strategies, I asked him about giving me an interview. In this great interview Dan talks about his dreams, his life, feelings, money-things, as well as about his stunning 80000 mile circumnavigating journey through Africa.

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